The Bookshelf

The Lamb's Supper

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The uniqueness of Catholicism is the Mass. "The Lamb's Supper," by Scott Hahn reveals a fascinating and powerful aspect of the Mass that will heighten your Sunday experience and help you understand all the crazy imagery that is found in the Book of Revelation.

The angels and the communion of saints are always our companions but this book helps to understand more fully the supernatural drama that occurs at very Mass as we worship the Lamb of God and celebrate the Eucharist. If you are looking to see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the mystery of the Mass intelligently and powerfully, this book is a great choice.

Posted by Meg Picciolo

Interior Freedom

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This inspiring book by Jacques Philippe is beautifully written and lays out a plan of life based upon total trust and reliance upon God. It provides a deep understanding of the virtue of Hope and offers spiritual guidance to finding peace in a chaotic world and in our chaotic lives, families,  and our sometimes impoverished souls, which are all yearning for peace and hope.

Tags: hope, peace

Living the Mass: How One Hour Can Change Your Life

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Do you know what you are witnessing at Mass?  This is an easy to read and insightful book on the Mass. It is a book that is valuable for many Catholics who attend Mass simply out of obligation or habit, or for those who no longer attend Mass for various reasons, or for anyone contemplating becoming a member of the Catholic Church.

Most importantly, it explains how one hour spent at Mass on Sunday can transform the other 167 hours of your life each week.


Posted by Jill Fischer

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