As we continue to explore and learn more about our parish patron, St. Dominic, in this year of the 800th anniversary of his death, we offer a second fascinating book to add to your reading list. St. Dominic: The Story of a Preaching Friar, by Donald J. Goergen, OP., tells the history of St. Dominic's life, mission, and spirituality. It is presented in a way that is approachable for the contemporary reader.
St. Dominic founded the Order of Preachers, better known as the Dominicans, but for Dominic, preaching did not mean being a good homilist. For St. Dominic, it was about sharing the Truth of Christ's death and resurrection, in being an evangelist like the apostles. His friars were to leave the monastery and go out into the world. They were to be humble, but boldly engage others in the quest for the Truth by sharing God's Word in human, understandable words, such as love, mercy, and compassion.
We don't hear St. Dominic often mentioned when the great saints are named, but that is due more to St. Dominic's mission, which was to always point to the Gospel, to point to Jesus. Like St. John the Baptist, he felt he must decrease and Christ increase. Yet, Blessed Jordan of Saxony, who became the successor Master of the Order of Preachers, wrote that St. Dominic was loved by everyone, because he loved everyone. He was full of grace and compassion. St. Dominic reflected the love of Christ through his life. His spirituality was also tied very much into community, into listening to, living with, loving, and forgiving one another.
We have much to learn and be inspired by the story of St. Dominic and this book provides a way to journey through his life.