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Saint Dominic's Way of LIfe

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As part of our celebration of the 800th Anniversary of the death of our parish patron, St. Dominic, we encourage you to learn more about him by reading the book, “Saint Dominic’s Way of Life: A Path to Knowing and Loving God,” by Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP and Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, OP.

Pope Francis said, "St Dominic’s great call was to preach the Gospel of God’s merciful love in all its saving truth and redemptive power, showing the inseparability of faith and charity.”  There is much we can learn from St. Dominic's spirituality.

The best selling author and retreat master, Fr. Jacques Philippe said, “This beautiful book allows us to get to know Saint Dominic better, who was so close to God and so full of compassion for all the sufferings of his time. He is a shining example of what we are called to do today: seek God with all our heart to pour out the balm of his merciful love on all the plagues of our world.” 

We will take online orders with payment of $15 through November 1, 2021

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Posted by Meg Picciolo

Everything is Grace: the LIfe and Way of Therese of Lisieux

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One of my favorite saints is St. Therese of Lisieux. She is known for her “little way” that strives to find joy in all the little things as an expression and appreciation for God’s love. Recently, I picked up a book as a spiritual read titled, "Everything is Grace: the Life and Way of Therese of Lisieux." by Joseph Schmidt, FSC. One of the pages I marked as being significant. I sat on this paragraph for quite a bit and share it with you for your own pondering:

Therese says to modern people, burdened with a sense of homelessness in life and suffering a sense of quiet despair, "You are searching in the face of death for meaning in your life, for authentic existence, for liberation, for happiness, for freedom, and for truth; you are looking for love and transcendence, for connectedness and companionship, for affirmation and a sense of fulfillment. I have discovered what you search for: it is God, it is divine love stooping down to embrace you. And I know a way that will lead you out of your darkness and suffering. The way is the path of accepting divine love into your life. Of willing to be available to the beloved God even in our weakness and despair. It is the way of being aware of your need for love, willing to give yourself to God’s loving embrace like a child abandons itself with confidence and love into the arms of its loving parent, and the freely sharing love with others in creative good works of peace and justice. It is the willingness to be the person God calls you to be."

There is so much in our world that zaps us of the simplicity required to put God first. Just imagine if we focused on nothing but loving God and loving others what a wonderful world this would be.

The Interior Castle

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St. Teresa of Avila is a Doctor of the Church who led many people to build a relationship with Jesus through a very special type of prayer. She taught people to build an interior castle. The interior castle is inside of each of us. We each have our own interior castle. Consider using the time in Lent to discover it and make it strong.

Written for children ages 7 and up, "The Interior Castle," by Judith Boulloc will be enjoyed and will inspired readers of all ages. Based on St. Theresa of Avila’s classic work, "The Interior Castle," it is a beautifully illustrated book that engages the reader in the treasure to be found in a personal conversation with God. The story follows a boy who journeys through the steps of contemplative prayer. 

Illustrated by award-winner Eric Puybaret. 

Posted by Jill Fischer