Results filtered by “Pursue Holiness”

Identity Crisis

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When you were a kid, what did you think it meant to be an adult? Get married? Have kids? Buy a house? Build a career? And once you did all those things, then what? Get promotions? Help your kids get into college? And once those are or were complete, what next? Once your kids are in college and out of the house, how will you define your life? After you retire, what then?

I think the way we have come to define our lives—by these worldly, societal values—has created in many of us a reoccurring identity crisis. We set our eyes on these goals and find life’s meaning in accomplishing them, make our entire identities about them, and once we meet them, then what? Who am I now that I’ve met all the goals and checked all the boxes of adulthood? Who am I now that I’m retired? Who am I now that my kids don’t really need me anymore? Oh…but grandkids!

You see, the problem isn’t that these goals are bad. No, family, job, house, are all wonderful and important parts of life, but they are ultimately NOT what define us as humans. Our life is not meant to be defined by the things that we do. It was defined for us before we were even born: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5).

I’d like to propose the idea that we as a society, are setting our goals too low. We are looking to the things of this world to define us and give life meaning (family, job, etc.), instead of the things of God. And as a result, we are experiencing tremendous identity crisis.

We were made to be saints. Every single one of us. Pope Francis tells us “The Lord wants us to be saints and not to settle for a bland and mediocre existence” (Gaudete et exsultate, 1). The Catechism of the Catholic Church goes on to say: “All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life…All are called to holiness” (CCC, 2013).

THIS is the ultimate goal for all humans: to be holy, to be saints. That is our true identity. And the makeup of our life – our family, our careers, etc. – are part of that journey to holiness. But they aren’t all of it. You, (insert your name here), are meant to be a saint.

I really want you to sit with this idea. If we set our goals too low, we throw ourselves into listlessness and crisis. Stop selling yourself short. You were made for more. You were made to be a Saint!

There's Something Happening Here

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Do you ever get that "feeling"? The "feeling" that something is going to happen, something big?

I've been having that "feeling" lately. There are times when I think it just might be my nerves getting the best of me but that isn't exactly it. While I don't doubt that nerves have something to do with it, there is something more. I’ve started taking to the idea that this is the Holy Spirit. While driving to work recently, I heard that song by Buffalo Springfield – “For What It’s Worth” – and it has the lyrics: “There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear.” There truly is something happening here at St. Dominic that isn't exactly clear, but it is feeling really good. There is an energy, a life, a spirit. I can't quite put my finger on it but this "feeling" is causing me to well up with pride, with joy, with excitement.

Many Saints write about conversion and surrender, as it is a pathway to holiness. St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta would say, "We have to love until it hurts. It is not enough to say I love. We must put that love into a living action. And how do we do that? By giving until it hurts." This loving until it hurts is conversion. It is surrender because it is counter-cultural. St. Faustina brought us the depiction of surrender through the image of the Divine Mercy and the simple yet powerful prayer "Jesus, I trust in you!" Releasing oneself to the will of the Father is liberating yet terrifying. 

It is not enough to say yes to God when he has called us for himself. It's very important to put that “yes” into a living action. And how do we put that into a living action? By our total surrender to Him. We understand that He has chosen us for Himself - all that follows is that we allow Him to use us without consulting us. We are human beings and we like to know exactly what He wants, how He wants, and so on. But if we really want to be only all for Jesus, it is important that we give Him a free hand to do with us what He wants, as He wants. Only then can we really say we are only all for Jesus. - Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Thirsting for God, 2000.

There is something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear, but guaranteed is it is guided by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit through the intercession of our Blessed Mother.

Take a Step Toward Sainthood

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Sometimes when I hear stories of the Saints, especially those who have stories of heroic martyrdoms, I can feel discouraged, because I wonder how on earth I could ever live a life of that much virtue or a life of holiness that I could courageously die for my faith or suffer through chronic pain or emotional sufferings without complaining.  

Recently, a friend started to tell me the story of one of her favorite Saints, St. Cecilia, who was a second century martyr, and I was prepared to be overwhelmingly discouraged by her story. However, instead of telling the whole story, this friend shared with me one moment of the story that she had been meditating on. Because it was just one moment of the story, I found myself saying, “I can imitate that virtue in her! That one thing is not too hard for me today!” 

Sometimes prayer feels overwhelming too; there are so many hurting people in our lives, Scripture can be confusing, or maybe we don’t know where to start with the Lord.  

Today, the Lord’s invitation to Peter and Andrew is simple: “Come after me.” He doesn’t expect them to have it all figured out. He just invites them to take a step as they begin to follow him. St. Cecilia, when asked her name as she stood on trial for her faith, was able to respond: “my name is Cecilia, but my more beautiful name is that of Christian.” She probably did not have the courage to say those words on her first day of following the Lord, but little by little as she took one step at a time, she came to know the Lord and the great gift of her faith. Don’t be afraid to take one or two steps this week. The Lord is good and just wants to love you!