The Road to Holiness

The way to live a life of holiness is found in the gospels. Embedded in all the wonders and teachings of Jesus lies the key. The life of holiness is a life rooted in the beatitudes. To be holy is to be poor in spirit, meek, empathetic, just, merciful, simple and pure, peaceful, and courageous in faith. In other words, to be holy is to be unaffected by the worries of the world because of a dependence on the will of the Father.
Is that easy? Not at all. This is why a "holy" person depends on prayer, a tight relationship with God that goes beyond formal words to conversations with Him. Conversations where you are not just talking, but also listening. Listening for what God is saying to you through Scripture, through others, through the events of your life. "Holy" people depend on their relationship with God. They trust in God. "Holy" people don't take life too seriously, but they are serious about loving and serving God and others.
"It takes effort to always do good…The road to holiness is not for the lazy!" ~ Pope Francis tweet on 9/17/2018