The Power of the Holy Spirit

Do you believe the Holy Spirit is at work in you? Though we cannot see Him, we can recognize His presence if we allow Him to guide, instruct, and change our hearts and minds. As we invite Him into our lives and surrender to His power, we may experience strength during difficult times, a greater ability to forgive, and an increase in His spiritual gifts.
The excerpts below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops article “What is Evangelization” speak to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.
We must be open to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit who will continue to convert us as we follow Christ. If our faith is alive, it will be aroused again and again as we mature as disciples." (14)
Transformation speaks of the change of heart that, as a member of the Church, each one must undergo. The Gospel speaks across time and space to each human being, each mind, each heart. It asks us what we think about our lives, how we hope, whom we love, and what we live for. If faith is not transforming each heart and life, it is dead. (16)
The Gospel must overflow from each heart until the presence of God transforms all human existence. Sometimes this means that, as believers, we must confront the world as did the prophets of old, pointing out the claims of God to societies that are blind to God. More often, however, this means that we must let our faith shine on the world around us, radiating the love of Jesus by the everyday way we speak, think, and act. (17)
This gospel message gives us a different vision of what life is about. We see a pattern of love, hope, and meaning because the intimate relationship with God in which we were created, lost through sin, has been restored by Jesus, whose death has destroyed our death and whose resurrection gives us the promise of eternal life. We do not see a world of blind forces ruled by chance, but a universe created to share God's life . . . to live for God and others in love. We do not calculate what we think is possible, but rather, know the Spirit of God always makes new things possible, even the renewal of humanity. (21)
This vision we share is the power of the Good News. As it compels us, we believe it can compel, by its beauty and truth, all who sincerely seek God. (22)”
Have you seen the Holy Spirit at work in your life? If not, ask Him in daily to give you the mind and heart of Jesus, to lead and guide you, and watch what happens!