We Are Gifts from God

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I have been described as a high-motor guy, although some mornings the oil doesn’t seem to get to the joints as quickly as needed. Conversations and projects requiring my attention are plentiful. My wife needs to remind me to eat when I get deep into a home project. To quote Professor Hinkle, “busy, busy, busy.” Strangely, I enjoy the pace.

Oh I relax, I’m known to watch a movie on the couch with my eyes closed. One of our joys is sitting at our backyard fire pit, especially after floating the day away in the pool. Sometimes there is conversation and other times just quiet. It is an opportunity to be alone in our thoughts or “just be.” Electronics are set aside and we observe birds singing to each other, an evening sky, and the wind in the trees.

Then it hits you. Everything, and I mean every person, place, thing, even our own lives, are gifts from God. Why does He give us these gifts? How do we use them?

The “why” is easy to answer. It is because He loves us, unconditionally, regardless of how we answer the “how” question.

God placed us here to be a gift to others. No pressure. We have a great example in Jesus. Love, listen, forgive, guide, and support. Focus less on what we don’t have. Thank God daily for what we have already received, even the minor things.

Be a gift to others, often in small, everyday ways. Spend time with an elderly parent or a friend in need. Listen to understand and not to reply. Let someone merge in traffic or go before you in a line. Hold a door open. Smile. For in giving we receive. Don’t worry, God has equipped us and will walk with us as we become gifts that keep on giving (and receiving).

Our mission statement says it . . . we are called to Be Christ each for the sake of all. Let’s get to work.

Posted by Michael Ricci

A Matter of Life After Death

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It’s been a difficult year health-wise for many of my family members and friends. Regular updates about diagnoses and surgeries, tests and treatment plans has my mind thinking about Life and Death more than usual. A lyric comes to mind from my favorite band Rush: “learning that we’re only immortal . . . for a limited time.”

We live our days one day at a time and don’t like to think about death because the afterlife is a giant question mark of unknowns. As Catholics, we believe quite profoundly in Life AFTER Death. Our souls are destined to exist for eternity.

At a recent staff meeting we discussed an article about the “Nones.” Nones being those who have no affiliation with a formal religion.  Atheism is on the rise, with more Americans rejecting the notion of God entirely, much less that Heaven and Hell are real. Another well-known quote comes to mind: "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." ~ Charles Baudelaire

Every one of us likely knows someone (or is that someone) who has experienced first-hand some inexplicable/miraculous event that transcends the corporeal and can best be described as Divine Intervention.   It is a matter of faith to recognize the handprint of God in those moments.  It is a matter of fact that sometimes things happen that defy that which our human minds and science can explain. Miracles are the proof that God is with us.

Jesus’ earthly life and His words through the Gospel accounts assure us that eternal life with HIM is within our reach and that there is a reckoning for those who embrace sin and evil. So for the faithful, we recognize that what we’re doing here on Earth really is about salvation. OUR salvation. But in all honesty, whether a person believes or is a NONE, for every human being ever conceived, eventually life on Earth ends and the souls’ Eternity begins.

God alone is the judge for a soul’s eternal life. We all sin and we must seek Reconciliation. This is how we reconcile our mortal minds with our own mortality. 

Jesus told us directly how to reconcile ourselves with God: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Mt 22:38-40

If  we truly follow these commands, when illness threatens body, soul is still at peace.


Soldiers or Lovers

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In today’s gospel, Jesus’ disciples return from their experience of sharing the Good News. What should our approach to the outside world be?  Are we meant to go out as Christian soldiers or Catholic lovers?

These last three weeks we have heard in our gospels of the call we all have to be prophets in our non-Christian world. Just as in the time of Jesus, we leave church to face an indifferent or even hostile world. How are we to engage it, as soldiers or lovers? It has been suggested that we must arm ourselves with truth and steady ourselves to the assaults we will endure when we profess our faith in the world. Those supporting this approach use St Paul’s words to the Ephesians, “Therefore put on the full armor of God, that you may resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.” We even call our school students the St. Dominic Knights.

But we are still haunted by, “What would Jesus do?” The power of Christ is love, not the sword. Although our Church history is laden with examples of harming unbelievers, if you accept our first reading, it is the Lord who holds the scales of justice. Our fight against evil is one in which it is Jesus who wars for us. When we go out, we must be secure in our own relationship with God, but the world will not be saved by the sword. The world will be saved by love. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” 
(John 13:35)


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