Results filtered by “Joy”

Welcome to Advent!

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I love the feel that Advent has. There is a joy, an energy that rivals nothing else. When we can keep Advent separate from Christmas, it makes Christmas all the better. Advent is a time of hopeful anticipation. It is a time to prepare for Jesus coming. In retrospect, it is the preparation Mary and Joseph took in awaiting his arrival. For us it is waiting for the day of Christmas. It is also the waiting for his triumphant return. It is this last point that we must always focus on – are we ready? Scripture tells us that we will not know the date nor will we know the time, but will we be ready? That is what we should be spending our time doing during Advent. That is what we should be spending every day preparing for. We should be preparing the way for the Lord every day! We are to take a renewed interest in our relationship with God, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit to claim the joy that is there for us always. With that in mind, I share this video with you. I hope you enjoy it as we work to get ready for Jesus this Advent.

Advent in 2 Minutes

Advent is like springtime in nature when everything is renewed, fresh, and healthy. Advent refreshes us, makes us healthy and able to receive Christ in whatever form he may come to us. At Christmas, he comes as a little child, small, helpless, and in need of his mother and all that a mother’s love can give. His mother’s humility enabled her to serve. If we really want God to fill us, we must empty ourselves through humility of all the selfishness within us. – Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Thirsting for God, 2000)

Posted by Jill Fischer
in Joy, Trust

Starting from Zero Again and Again

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This year, due to the coronavirus, we had to wait until the gradual reopening process allowed us to celebrate our Baccalaureate Mass for our eighth grade class. Even with the Mass, attendance was limited to parents only. As I thought about the limitations we are working under, and my belief they are here to stay for an extended period of time, I was contemplating what the average Catholic psyche is right now. 

This tragedy of the pandemic, has unfolded like a slow moving accident. If an asteroid would have hit our planet, we would have all responded quickly and in unity. But with the nebulous spread; broad, yet unsubstantiated restrictions, and unproven reopening, I am not sure what everyone is feeling. In a recent poll taken, well over half of Catholics do not yet feel comfortable attending public Masses, even with the accommodations. The haunting question is when will they? I borrowed the title of this reflection from an article I read a while back. It was from a young missionary, who described her experience of learning Spanish in Bolivia, re-learning the dialect in Peru, and having to learn administrative skills in her new job. She remarked on how she had to adjust to starting over again and again.

Maybe that captures our feelings best. In this atmosphere, more than ever, we ask ourselves, is God in control? If we answer ‘yes,’ we approach each day with confidence and joy. If we answer with doubt, we approach each new day with fear and trepidation. This young missionary put her complete trust in God in a new country, with a foreign language, and an insufficient skill set. She now has friends, speaks the language, and leads with confidence. Our situation is not even near as complex, can you put all your trust in God, starting today? 

Results filtered by “Kids”

A Season of Transformation

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The most holy season of Lent is one of my favorite liturgical seasons. We begin on Ash Wednesday, signed with a reminder of our mortality and repentance. We enter into the desert with Jesus for 40 days, praying, fasting and giving alms so that we can rise on Easter Sunday one step father away from sin and closer to Jesus. Lent challenges us with the question “what are you going to work on or eliminate from your life that will help you to know Jesus more personally come Easter?”

When I was little, my mom would have my brothers and I make caterpillars during Lent out of pompoms. We could decorate them any way we wanted and when we were done they would each get placed in a brown paper bag, their cocoon, only to be seen again on Easter Sunday. Miraculously, on Easter Sunday when we awoke, our caterpillars had turned into beautiful butterflies hanging over the dining room table, complete with felt wings perfectly shaped! Although this was a simply craft, it holds a beautiful significance for Lent and Easter. We begin Lent by entering into the cocoon with Jesus where he transforms us so that on Easter Sunday we rise changed. I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on this question: “What in me needs to be transformed so that I can rise on Easter Sunday closer to Jesus?

A good examination of conscience for this precise question is to ask, who do you let influence your life….who is leading you, teaching you what is morally right and wrong….why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own? We tend to be so judgmental about everyone else and what they are doing wrong. But Jesus is challenging us to stop and look at our own shortcomings and to focus on living just a little differently and a little more like Jesus to change our world. You have the power to change the world one small step at a time. Lastly, Jesus says that a tree will be known by its fruit. Lent is a time to reflect on what are the good fruits and bad fruits in my life. Where do I need to be pruned in order to bear more fruit?

Don’t let Lent pass you by without truly examining your life, so that by the grace of God you will slowly be transformed into the person God created you to be. For, we were not created to remain caterpillars, but to be transformed into beautiful butterflies bringing the message of Christ to all!


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