Let Go and Let God

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Many of us are familiar with Luke 5:1-11, the story of when Jesus went out into the boat of Simon the fisherman. After teaching the crowds nearer the shore, Jesus tells Simon to go out into the deep and put down the nets into the water. Even though they had been fishing all day without success, they follow His command.

To their surprise, more fish are caught than they can handle! What a humbling experience for these men. They realize that what they have witnessed is nothing short of a miracle and their curiosity and faith lead them to drop everything and follow Jesus.

How often in our daily lives do we push aside advice from someone, thinking that our idea or plan is better than theirs? How often could we be ignoring a call from God for us to look at something in a new light or new perspective, believing we already know everything there is to know.

Too often we are wrapped up in ourselves and our lives and do not notice that God the Father is guiding us and asking us to trust His way of doing things.

Put down your guard, put away your pride, and listen. Listen to God speaking to you and follow where He leads you. Offer up to Him a task or a challenge you are facing, and believe and trust that everything will turn out the way God has planned.

Let go and let God.

Giving Glory to God

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As Mass ended last Sunday and we began to sing the final hymn, I thought about what the deacon had just recited as the final words of the service. This one sentence, these nine simple words, are our instructions for the week ahead:

“Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.”

Those are powerful words and I wanted to really understand them as I walked out the door.

“Go in peace…” We are called to action: leave the church with peace in our hearts so that we can spread that peace wherever we go. That’s not always easy. Egos are very fragile these days, and arguments erupt for no reason at all. It’s happening in our streets, in our neighborhoods, even in our living rooms. If we remember these three words, and we believe these words, then we have a chance to shape the minds and hearts of those around us.

“…glorifying the Lord by your life.” Wow. This is quite a challenge. Not only are we asked to give glory and honor to God, we’re asked to do it through how we live our lives! That means asking a lot of questions:

  • Is everything I’m saying giving glory to God?
  • Is everything I’m doing giving glory to God?
  • Is every decision I make giving glory to God?

This one sentence seems so simple and straight forward. But these simple words carry a great deal of responsibility.

“Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.”- Pope John Paul II

Living the Love

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I have two favorite verses from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor 12:31-13:13), “Love is patient” and “Love never fails.” I think these two ideas call us to think of others and put others needs ahead of our own priorities or selfishness. Love exhibited as patience can repair so many ills in the world today. Did you get cut off in traffic? Be patient with that stranger. Has a co-worker or friend done something or said something that offended you intentionally or not? Practice love as patience. We never really know what others are carrying in their hearts.

We prove that love never fails when we look outside of ourselves to serve those around us. There’s no need to search out those in need. Life presents us with daily opportunities to love. Living the love described by Paul costs us nothing, but can change our life and the lives of those we touch, more than we can imagine or know.

Let’s make an extra effort to try to be patient with someone. In a quiet, unassuming way, let them see that Love Never Fails

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