Ms. Brita Willis
School Principal
Office: 262.783.7565, Ext. 271
Embracing the values of the Catholic faith and academic excellence, a top priority of mine is to provide a nurturing and enriching educational experience rooted in Catholic teaching. Together, I am confident that we will inspire minds, develop character, and seek Christ, fostering a community where each individual can truly shine.
One of my greatest blessings in life was the opportunity to attend Catholic schools during my entire education; St. Mary of the Assumption from K-8th grade (Ohio), Lake Catholic High School (Ohio), Marquette University for my undergraduate degree, and University of Portland (Oregon) for my Masters degree as a member of the Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education. I bring experience from both parochial and private schools, most recently, twelve years at University School of Milwaukee in River Hills.
One of my passions is developing children’s inquiry and critical thinking skills through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. I have experience coaching preschool, elementary, and middle school robotics teams. As a recipient of Innovation in Teaching Awards for multiple years, I have demonstrated the ability to mentor teachers in developing engaging, creative learning experiences for children of all ages. After being a contributing member throughout the process of building K-8 maker space experiences in my current school.
My leadership style has always been one of visionary thinking, creating teams of people who work together empowered to accomplish common goals. I have led both social-emotional and curricular departments where I served a critical role to both build and strengthen curriculum while providing meaningful coaching alongside our teachers. At St. Dominic, each student, teacher, family member, and parishioner has God-given talents and skills that, together, strengthen our community.
I invite you to pray alongside me with the verse, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matthew 19:14). It is of utmost importance to nurture and support the spiritual growth of children, which is central to the mission of a Catholic school. I look forward to my role of continuing to build and strengthen St. Dominic as an environment where children feel welcomed and encouraged to develop their faith and take it with them as their foundation in their daily lives.
As a former track and field athlete at Marquette University, I know that races are won with humility, dedication, and a drive to be the best you can be each day. Go Knights!