Athletic Board Nominations

The St. Dominic Athletic Association is looking for members to fill the following Athletic Board positions: Athletic Director, Secretary, and Basketball Coordinator. These positions are for two-year terms. Responsibilities for each position are available through the online nomination form. The Athletic Board is made up of elected parish members, the school principal, and the pastor. Our mission is to provide parish children programs that offer an opportunity for building our Catholic Christian community through participation in athletics.
THE ST. DOMIIC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION IS OPEN TO ALL ADULT PARISH MEMBERS. Athletic Board elections will be held in mid-May in the same manner and timing as the School Advisory Committee elections. Nominees are invited to participate in the next St. Dominic Athletic Association meeting on April 19, 2021 at 8:00 pm (held via Zoom). Please consider nominating yourself or someone else who may be interested.
If you have any questions about the St. Dominic Athletic Association or the nomination and election process, please contact
Nominations are due April 18, 2021