Events Team

What to expect:
Join other team members who work together to plan, organize, and volunteer at special event days for students and the school community throughout the year.
- Family Fun Knight (February/March): Organize and assist with this one-night event of games, music, snacks, and camaraderie that brings together the St. Dominic school community.
- High Interest Day (Spring): Planning begins in September with monthly meetings for this all-school event. Help by brainstorming and contacting presenters, scheduling classes, or organizing the luncheon.
- Movie Knight (January/February): Do you like pajama parties? Help man both the concession table and raffle booth at this annual fun family event.
- St. Nick Day (December): Assist in bringing the joy and story of St. Nicholas to our students.
- Santa's Workshop (December): Is Christmas the most wonderful time of the year for you? Assist our children in shopping for that special gift by being a part of this one-day event. An outside organization provides the gifts for purchase. Help is needed for setup, cleanup, and staffing the event.