Music Ministry

“Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.” Johann Sebastian Bach
Music Ministry plays an important part in leading people to God; to worship Him in spirit and in truth in communion with one another, the Body of Christ.
Music Ministry at St. Dominic includes various roles
- Cantors: Talent singers, who have additional leadership skills to lead sung prayer at Mass, serve on a rotating basis. A basic knowledge of music styles, and the ability to read music is necessary.
- Choir: The adult choir is the principal singing group, which ministers weekly at the 9:00 AM Mass. The group also sings for major events and Holy Days. The choir is open to persons 16 years and older.
- Instrumentalists: We encourage and invite instrumentalists to bring their talent to the parish community!
- Hand Bell Choir: Using the beautiful parish chimes and hand bells, the Hand Bell Choir enhances our worship during the liturgical year.