
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

Welcome from our Principal, Ms. Brita Willis

A principal in a Catholic school has a most extraordinary task before them; one that I am very excited to take on at St. Dominic Catholic School. Not only is this individual the instructional leader of the school, they are also a leader in faith for the students and staff. Highlighting the Catholic identity of Catholic schools should be of utmost priority. It is what separates us from our public school counterparts after all. Families make the intentional decision to send their children to a Catholic school for that reason. It is to be celebrated.

As the instructional leader of a school, it is my vocation to ensure that every teacher and every student is supported and encouraged to be the best that God has created them to be. This includes being open to every opportunity to learn in a manner that is collaborative in spirit and intentional in nature. It is my hope that parents are involved with their child's learning alongside the classroom instructor and that respect exists in that dynamic. Parents are the primary educators of their children and the school is the support staff. The fact that we are all grounded in the love of our Lord serves to hold that gentle balance in place for the good of the child. I am a believer in open, honest communication. I am an advocate for teachers. It is our moral responsibility to work together to raise them in the truth and love of God.

Our mission is set before us. A mission that only we can fulfill in this particular time and place. It is our time to make sure the Lord's message of love and mercy be heard and acted upon. This is the lesson for us to teach and live - to love your God with all your heart, soul, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. Through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, may St. Dominic Catholic School be that place in our little pocket of the universe.

Welcome from Pastor, Fr. Dennis Saran

As pastor of this wonderful parish, my main mission is to help Mr. Dempsey and our teachers to provide a Catholic education to all children in our parish and in our community. We are working hard to make this opportunity affordable to all who desire this great gift.

Our children are the future of our faith, and as parents, we are sworn by their baptism to help them seek Christ, know Christ and through a faith-filled family life…to become Christ. I welcome you to search, to participate, and to enjoy in your child the benefits of a Catholic education. I ask you to make that intentional decision; to offer your child the gift of a Catholic education.

Today’s world, as you observe yourselves, presents serious challenges to a young life that wants to be happy by doing God’s will and to become the person God made them to be. As they grow, there will be many times when you as parents will not be able to be there when your child makes difficult decisions. Having a good conscience is the best tool to fight against what is wrong. Catholic education forms and nourishes a good conscience.

I am sure, as parents, there are things you would have done different as you grew and matured. This is one decision you will never regret and one you can be proud of; to have provided your child with the foundation of wisdom by a Catholic school education.

God Bless.