St. Dominic Graduates are Prepared for Life
According to national research, the best investment a parent can make in their child is a Catholic education. Children completing a Catholic K-8 education are more likely to graduate high school, be accepted into college, receive scholarship offers, and positively impact their community and beyond.
Students attending St. Dominic Catholic School are well prepared to succeed in school, in life, in college, and career. Our moral formation focusing on virtues, service, and relationship with God provides our students with a powerful defense against life challenges, trials, and temptations that can affect a person's ability to succeed.
- A University of Chicago study points to a significantly higher high school graduation rate and college admissions for students completing a K-8 education at a Catholic school.
- In every round of the National Assessment of Education Progress, the U.S. Department of Education indicated that students in Catholic schools like St. Dominic outperformed their peers - that's over 20 years of data in which Catholic school students achieved significantly higher test results in Reading and Math.
- A nationwide education assessment conducted by the Philanthropy Roundtable concluded that Catholic schools consistently do more with less.
- A 2018 report "Self-Discipline and Catholic Education: Evidence from Two National Cohorts" by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute showed students who attend Catholic schools are more likely to develop sound character, including self-discipline and behavior.
Graduate Recognition
St. Dominic graduates continue to excel in academics and service as shown by the number of scholarships and recognition awards received each year from area high schools and and beyond.
Example list of past graduates award recipients:
Valedictorians and Salutatorians:
- 2024: Divine Savior Holy Angels High School Salutatorian: Kate Sohn '20
- 2023: Catholic Memorial High School Salutatorian: James Brown (Jim) '19
- 2022: Marquette University High School Co-Salutatorians: Nathan Petrucci'18, Philip Tallmadge'18, Ryan Sohn, '18
- 2021: Divine Savior Holy Angels High School Valedictorian: Madelyn Jessick '17
- 2020: Marquette University High School Valedictorian: Michael Sohn, '16
- 2011: St. Dominic Catholic School had 4 graduates who were awarded valedictorian or salutatorian at their high school:
Valedictorian DSHA: Maggie Tallmadge '11
Valedictorian CHM: Rachel Mlsna '11 (National Merit Scholarship Finalist & National Honor Society)
Salutatorian CHM: Evan Wetzel '11 (National Merit Scholarship Finalist & National Honor Society)
Salutatorian MUHS: Jack O'Grady '11
Marquette University High School - Jesuit Award. MUHS honors those students who strive to fulfill the expectations of their mission to form persons who will utilize their God-given gifts and talents in service to others through induction into the MUHS Jesuit Society, the highest honor that a student can convey. Additionally theses students also aim to be open to growth, be intellectually excellent, religious, loving and committed to justice.
- 2022: Nick Ferge '18, Bryan Fura '18, Luca Kowalik '18, John Norfolk '18, Nathan Petrucci '18, Philip Tallmadge '18, Josh Urban '19
- 2021: Liam Hughes '17, Alejandro Miranda '17, Ryan Sohn '18
- 2018: Dominic Kowalik '15, Sam Larcheid '15, Michael Sohn '16
National Merit Finalist
- 2025: Luke Petrucci '21
Marquette University High School Conclave President's Award
- 2022: Luca Kowalik
Catholic Memorial High School - Crusader of the Year Award: The Catholic Memorial High School Crusader of the Year award is a way for students to recognize classmates who they see as examples of the CMH core values of memorial, faith, trust, respect, inclusiveness, professionalism, excellence and Caritas in Omnibus (charity in all things). Recipients are selected by their teachers from among the entire student body. Their recognition not only reflects well upon themselves, but also upon the grade school where their commitment to outward Christian service got its start
- 2015: Aaron Siehr '11
- 2011: Paige Siehr '07
Sisters of the Divine Savior Salvatorian Service Award: The Sisters of the Divine Savior, religious sponsors of DSHA, established this award to recognize students who go above and beyond required service hours for graduation. DSHA students are nominated by their parents, approved by Campus Ministry and affirmed by service mentors from their volunteer sites.
- 2021: Madison Araujo '17 and Kathryn Lagore
- 2017: Madeline Brielmaier '13, Jessica Diez '13, Elizabeth Rowen '13, and Elena Valentyn '13.
- 2016: Allie Andreski '12, Jacqueline Biel '12, Lauren Jessup '12, Meaghan Lagore '12, and Caroline Sauer '12.
- 2015: Maggie Tallmadge '11, Katelyn Drost '11.
- 2014: Rachel Brielmaier '10,Teagan Jessup '10, Molly Jordan '10, Jenna Lieungh '10, Alyssa Myszewski '10, and Kira Welcenbach '10.
National Honor Society Inductees: The purpose of the National Honor Society is "to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools".
- 2022: Grace Bisswurm, Jane Kottak, Christopher Nicholas, Michael Nicholas, Maxwell Rankin
- 2019: Caroline Flyke, Bella Huschitt, Emma Urban
- 2015: Andrew Hirsch, Kelsey O'Brien, Aaron Siehr, Matthew Wickeham
- 2014: Vienna George, Jacqueline Jarosz, Kelsey O'Brien, Rachel Mlsna, Emily Ott, Lauren Rein, Haley Lange, Evan Wetzel
MUHS Presidential Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence:
- Billy MacDonald '09 (Scholar Athlete Award 2012)
- Nathan Rein '09
MUHS Science Olympiad Leadership Award
- William Kahler '17
The WIAA Scholar Athlete Award: This award presented by the WIAA. It is given to a senior who has earned at least 4 varsity letters in WIAA sanctioned sports and has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and is an outstanding athlete.
- 2019: Sara Maslowski '15
Greater Metro Conference Scholar Athlete Award: Awarded to a junior or senior high school student, varsity award winner with a cummulative GPA of 3.5 or above.
- 2019: Sara Maslowski '15
- 2018: Ely Larcheid '15, Sara Maslowski '15, Bella Huschitt '16
Pius XI High School Fine Arts Scholarship for Strings Orchestra:
- Cecilia Koth '15
MUHS Vocal Music Award
- Thomas Balistreri '17
Divine Savior Holy Angels Kathleen Wilson Voice Scholarship:
- Grace Fischer '15