The St. Dominic Athletic Association welcomes day school and formation program students to broaden their knowledge and experience by participating in sports activities. Fair play and a spirit of good sportsmanship flow from the Catholic environment based on the love of God and of one another. Elementary school athletic programs can be a valuable part of the total education process which integrates both character formation and spiritual growth with academic achievement. Students will earn a variety of skills while developing new friendships.
Mission Statement and Philosophy
The St. Dominic Athletic Program offers us an opportunity for building our Christian community through participation in interscholastic athletics.
It is a parish and school-based program that is available to St. Dominic day school and parish formation program students. This program will provide an environment where players are given equal opportunity to participate and develop their skills.
The program is designed to promote parish, school and team spirit with support and enthusiasm from the clergy, school staff, parents, coaches, and student athletes. Our goal is to offer participating student athletes a positive learning experience for Christian development by:
- promoting the idea that athletic competition should be fun,
- teaching the fundamental skills and strategies of the sport,
- encouraging sportsmanship, self-discipline, and perseverance,
- helping each player develop a healthy desire to compete,
- learning to deal with the emotions of winning and losing,
- learning teamwork and how to contribute to a team's success both as a leader and a follower, and
- fostering personal growth, physical fitness, and a positive self-image.
Please visit our student athletics page for more information on individual sports offered.
It is especially important in youth sports to remember that while winning is important, it is not the main goal of our program. We do not support the "win at all costs" philosophy. The athletic program at St. Dominic Catholic Parish will adhere to the policies outlined in the following documents:
- St. Dominic Athletic Association Handbook
- Archdiocese of Milwaukee Policies and Regulations for Athletics (Section 6145)
- League rules for volleyball, basketball, and track
The archdiocesan publications can be obtained by contacting or by visiting the Archdiocesan website.
For more information regarding the St. Dominic Athletic Program, please also visit the St. Dominic Athletics Registration Site.