Holy Land Pilgrimage
Bucket List Pilgrimage the Holy Land
Bucket List Pilgrimage the Holy Land
As the instructional leader of the school, I must balance the needs of the families, with the needs of the community and the needs of the teachers, while maintaining the integrity of the Church I serve - not just St. Dominic but the...
Knightball registration is now open! If you have a child in grades K5-Grade 4 that would like to develop basketball skills in a fun, safe environment, consider our Saturday program!
St. Dominic Catholic School students drew, colored, pasted and in great penmanship expressed heartfelt questions and greetings to the sons and daughters of our parish serving in the military.
We are very excited to announce a brand new music ministry - a St. Dominic Catholic School children's choir! Their first performance will be the 4:30 PM Christmas Eve Mass. Come and enjoy their performance!
Forensic practices and tournaments challenge students to explore their abilities in a supportive atmosphere. It is a perfect program for the shy and outgoing alike.
Chess is a fun game that kids can learn and then play for the rest of their lives!