Meet Dennis Skrajewski
Our parish is alive! I’m honored and excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the Council, That Man is You, and our new Missionary Discipleship initiative introduced by Fr. Dennis.
Our parish is alive! I’m honored and excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the Council, That Man is You, and our new Missionary Discipleship initiative introduced by Fr. Dennis.
You are the St. Dominic family I have grown to love, admire, and are now allowed to humbly serve on Pastoral Council.
I found a home at St. Dominic 18 years ago. Our church has helped me to know Christ, and I pray daily to become Christ.
Read our latest edition of Seek Christ, with stories of faith, love, community, blessings and transformation.
Over the years, St. Dominic has become more than just a parish, it has become Andy's spiritual family.
Have you ever wondered why churches have patron saints?
Kevin is honored and humbled to join the Pastoral Council and be the liaison to the Formation Commission.