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    Alum Finds Vocation in Teaching

    4/4/19 | School Articles | by Meg Picciolo

    For alum, Kaitlin Trokan '10, her multicultural family fed her interest in other countries and her desire to study abroad, but it was during silent Eucharistic Adoration, that Kaitlin got the the idea of teaching abroad.  The Catholic...

      Mathematicians Needed

      3/28/19 | School Articles | by Mrs. Jill Fischer

      We are in need of assistance in our learning support in the area of math, most specifically in support of our pre-algebra and algebra students. We would love to connect our students to members of industry or retired professionals in addition to...

        2019-2020 School Year Updates

        3/21/19 | School Articles | by Mrs. Jill Fischer

        This past month, the St. Dominic Finance Council approved the freezing of day school tuition and fees for the 2019-2020 school year for K5 through grade 8. We also continue to work on the details of offering an all-day option for K3 and K4.
